Credit repair Sweeps is program designed to address and remove all negative items that are impacting your credit file. In fact, around 45 million Americans are victims of inaccurate or unfair negative items unjustly lowering their credit score. Most people aren’t even aware of it, are you one of them?
As leaders in the credit repair industry, we address, challenge and remove all inaccurate, obsolete & unverifiable items on your credit file. Not only do we challenge and remove all questionable negatives reported but also block them from ever reporting on your credit file in the future. To remove a negative item, credit bureaus will require you to work through complicated online systems and/ or have you send a series of formal dispute letters. To make the process easy & efficient, our Credit Sweep Team will identify and challenge all questionable negative items with the three credit bureas on your behalf through our patented credit repair software.